Tuesday, September 23, 2014

An Ode to Candy Crush

Facebook is a beautiful thing.  First there was Xanga and live journal, then came Tom and Myspace, but it wasn't until Facebook that the real explosion happened.  Vine, Pinterest, Twitter all have Facebook to thank for their creation because although Facebook wasn't the first, the originator, it was the blossom that social media needed to create and expand.  It has so many uses from games to notes, from friends to event planning, Facebook can do it all.  In terms of speech, what took FDR years to create with his Fireside chats can now be accomplished with a few Facebook posts and a vine video.  Language and the access to language have never been this close.  Revolutions have been planned on Facebook; surprise bachelor parties too.  Facebook has achieved so much in its short lifetime.  But of course there are downfalls.

The biggest downfall is not the addiction.  Many people who are addicted to Facebook waste countless hours playing Candy Crush and "liking" every post in sight.  People who are addicted to Facebook spend hours crafting messages and posts to disagreeable status's and think that they're argument will make a difference.  But the addiction, and you bet it's an addiction, isn't the problem.  It's the productively it creates or better put it reduces.  By productivity I don't just mean the hours wasted, I mean how productivity happens outside of Facebook.  Too much Facebook causes memory problems, sight problems, and behavior problems (of course too much of anything can cause that).  But as a fellow addict, I know that too much time on Facebook has left me to be more judgmental, to quick to argue rather than listen.  It has changed my attention span and it has made my mind and my body lazy.  So I need a break.  

I decided to create a little post about Facebook not as a warning, but as a reminder.  I won't stop using it forever and I will still play Candy Crush, but in order to focus on what matters most, personally and professionally, I need a little break.  So effective immediately I'm offline. I've got a laundry list of things to accomplish and I'm off Facebook until they are done, not started, done.  I need to write the rough draft of my thesis, complete a professional dramaturgical packet, Write six PhD applications, study for the GRE, Take the GRE, write five abstracts for conferences, and teach, grade, and write for my classes.  Once these things are accomplished (which for me could be two weeks) I will go back to playing Candy Crush.  But for someone who uses Facebook as much as I do, two weeks, three, four, might feel like a lifetime (I'm sure some of you might feel the same way).  So I thought I would get a head start on all that I'll miss.  

To Jon Stoner, Charlie Freeman, Chandra, Kate Stone, Cory Brannaman, Skyler, Connor, Rachel Blackburn, Ross Freeman, Joe Obermuller, Ben Klaus, Rachel Harding and so many more.  Happy Birthday!  Congratulations on getting one year older.  I'm sure that this came as no surprise but congrats on being alive.  Good for you.  Much Love.  

To Dan Anderson.  Insert obligatory response to something you said criticizing the Democrats (i'm sure you were wrong). We'll go tat for tat until eventually I'll throw in a non-sequitor like "Bananas are the fruit of the German people."  I'm sure I'll get irrationally angry and your status will have 50 posts.  Congrats on the new relationship you sly dog and don't forget that it was your fault for making it so nonchalant.  I'm sure the Giants will make the playoffs and lose in round 1 (But if for some reason they end up playing the Nationals, call me and I'll come up for a game).  

To Cory Brannaman, Hew Boardrow, Taylor Clouse, and Michael Noble.  I guess you'll have to like someone else's status about the Hawks winning or blowing a game.  

To Zechariah.  Irish Win.

To all the theatre goers and participants, congrats, I'm sure your show was great and I wish I could've been there.  

To the random celebrity who will undoubtedly die in the next month.  RIP.  As the great Bob hope once said…..(insert famous line by another dead person in tribute to the now recently deceased).

To the horrific news story that comes out.  I called it.

To the heartwarming story.  Thanks, I agree, and ooo look at the kitty.

To the random movie post on my wall.  Bruce Willis was dead the whole time and Cloud Atlas is a better movie than you give it credit.  

To the next random challenge.  The songs that have most impacted my life are as follows:  Sympathy for the Devil (Rolling Stones), We Don't Eat (James Vincent McMorrow), Knocked Up (Kings of Leon), Iris (Goo Goo Dolls), When the Levee Breaks (Led Zeppelin), Demons (Imagine Dragons), Smooth (Santana), Fortunate Son (CCR), He Lives in You (Broadway Lion King), For Good (Wicked).

To the movies that are coming out.  Gone Girl was great.  Pride was better than expected.  This is Where I leave you was funny but ultimately disappointing.  
To the new season of TV.  Scandal did WHAT?

TO the political debacle of the month.  Don't worry Dan Anderson will undoubtedly say something about it.  Read his status and then expect I would've said the opposite.  

To Noel.  The new pictures are beautiful.

To VCU theatre graduate students.  No, alas, I will miss water aerobics once again…

To the random new funny meme.  You're not that funny.

Go PACK GO.  The Cubs didn't lose 100 games this year and screw the Bears.  

And to everything and everything else, here are a few statuses to hold you over in my absence:

"Studying for the GRE.  It Sucks"

"Insert Pun joke here"

"Jasmine Hammond is a boss and should never forget it."

"The NFL has no moral compass."

"Random aphorism that when you read it, you feel it some how relates to you, and you like it."

" Something inspiring that I wrote, but undoubtedly, has, too many commas,"

If you need me, Call or text.

I'll miss you Candy Crush.  

Friday, September 12, 2014

The Ray Rice Incident: Why We're All to Blame

In April of 1999, Laura Yeats and I were tired of building our tree house, which consisted of two boards about 15 feet off the ground; we went inside to watch TV.  Instead of getting our TV show every channel was covering a shooting in Colorado.  We watched as a teenager escaped through a window falling into the arms of officers in SWAT uniforms.  The terrible tragedy was hard for an 11 year old to understand but even my adolescent mind knew the immensity of what had occurred.  And my mind knew what optics was even if I didn’t know the word.  I knew that Charlton Heston, President of the NRA, was being insensitive when he said, “This is our country, we’re free to travel wherever we want in our broad land,” at the National NRA Convention just 11 days and 10 or so miles from the shooting.  I said, “what a prick.”  Five years later, I watched “Ben Hur” and loved it.  Heston was great. 

Feb 15, 2014:  Ray Rice and his fiancée Janay Palmer have some sort of altercation at an Atlantic City Casino, both are arrested.
March 15:  Ravens head coach John Harbaugh supports Rice.  “He will be part of our team, he’s a person of character.”
March 27:  Rice indicted on aggravated assault charge. 
March 28:  Ray and Janay marry.
May 21:  Rice accepted into pre-trial program, avoiding prosecution. (Deal that less than 1% receive in NJ)  Pleads not guilty to third degree aggravated assault and will enter a program. 
May 23:  Both Ray and Janay apologize for their actions during a press conference. 
July 24:  Roger Goodell suspends Rice two games. 
July 31:  Rice makes a public apology.
Aug 8:  Goodell admits, “I didn’t get it right,” outlines stricter policy. 
Sept 4:  Over 98% of leagues on ESPN Fantasy Football draft Ray Rice.
Sept 8/8:41 am:  TMZ Sports releases full tape.
Sept 8/4:45 pm:  Ravens cut Ray Rice and NFL suspends him indefinitely. 
Sept 8/4:46 pm:  The shit hits the fan. 

On June 20, 1972, Bob Woodward reported in the “Washington Post” that E. Howard Hunt was connected to Charles Colson.  On August 9, 1974, Nixon resigns the Presidency.  Over two years from the first reports, Nixon left office.  Apparently we could have fixed everything if only Deep Throat had a video camera.  Video, that’s all it took.  If the video of Ray Rice hadn’t come out on Monday then he would’ve been reinstated to play for the Ravens by Monday the 15th.  One video and in less than half a day Rice went from a 2 game suspension too most likely a lifetime ban.  The Ray Rice incident that is playing out in front of our eyes is a much larger issue than many of us comprehend.  It is not just about Ray Rice cold-cocking his wife in the face.  It is not just about the NFL’s massive screw up/cover up of the whole process.  It is not just about domestic violence and it is not just a “sports” issue.  It is not a woman’s issue, nor a man’s issue; it is not whatever simplistic formatted issue you can define. It is a cultural issue that we have all fallen prey to and we are all to blame for the spread of this problem. Let me explain. 

I will start by addressing the actual case before delving into the cultural problems that the case raises.  Ray Rice was wrong.  The crime he committed, and yes, it was a crime, is despicable.  It has no place in our current or any previous society.  In a just world, Rice would’ve served time in prison and completed many hours of “rehabilitative” work.  Unfortunately that is not the world we live in.  Janay Palmer Rice is a victim of abuse and she deserves sympathy rather than ridicule.  Many have criticized her commitment to her now husband.  None of us are in a position to know anything about that.  Perhaps they really are in love and she has forgiven him.  And despite anything else that happens from this point on, if Janay and Ray are in love they deserve to be treated as people.  But don’t for a second believe that she isn’t a victim.  Those people, I’m talking to you fox news; I’m talking to you Paul George, who blame Janay for the actions of Ray Rice are idiotic.  Janay apologized for her role in the incident, which along with being common victimized behavior is perfectly acceptable for her to do, but anyone, including Janay, who equates yelling at your fiancée as being a means for why you deserve to be knocked unconscious, isn’t thinking straight.  Case dealt with.  I hope Ray Rice learns from this situation, faces consequences more than just reputation and job loss, and that he finds a way to become a better human being. 

On to the NFL.  Here are just a few of the massive mistakes that the NFL and Roger Goodell have made in the past few months. 
1.)   A two game suspension itself.  Terribly and ironically if Goodell had made the suspension much worse in the beginning there is a good change that the tape never comes out.  The tape came out because TMZ put a team on trying to find the tape because there was an outcry after the first penalty.  If the penalty had been worse, there would’ve been such a large outcry, and possibly TMZ would’ve given up (who knows).  Either way a two game suspension is ridiculous.  Goodell who prides himself on his tough policies as he polices the game (apparently only when it comes to drugs), failed miserably to give someone an adequate penalty.  Josh Gordon had already been suspended for the year for drugs and most drug cases are at least four games, two more than Rice.  So he royally screwed the pooch to begin with. 
2.)   The utter inability of Roger Goodell to care or the cover up.  Aside from all the details coming out about whether or not Goodell saw the tape or if the NFL offices saw it, one thing is apparent, either Goodell saw the tape and this is a massive cover up or Goodell didn’t care enough to find it.  The NFL never asked the Casino for the tape and for anyone blind out there, there was always going to the a tape.  EVERTHING IS TAPED IN A CASINO.  If no one at the NFL office saw it and if Goodell was never told, are you telling me that a league that owns the entertainment market, which it does, couldn’t get the tape if it wanted too?  It could’ve and if for some reason Rice, the casino, the law, wouldn’t give up the tape (At the mention of the law, remember lawyers saw that tape and decided to give Rice a deal), the NFL is a private organization, it would’ve been within the scope of Goodell’s job to suspend him until he saw the tape. 
3.)   According to Ozzie Newsome (General Manager) the tape matched up with what Ray Rice told him happened.  WHY DIDN’T THE RAVENS SUSPEND HIM? (I know the answer).  Why did John Harbaugh have to field the press conference after getting rid of Rice rather than the owner?  Harbaugh has nothing to do with keeping player contracts. 
4.)   The 49ers have suspended their broadcaster Ted Robinson for victim blaming on an AM radio show.  Meanwhile, Ray McDonald has been arrested for domestic assault he may have committed to his pregnant girlfriend.  He has not been suspended from the team and played both this past week and will play on Sunday. 
5.)   Steve Bisciotti concluded what he wanted to conclude.  Not the truth.  Oh and he never talked to Ray Rice. 
6.)   The NFL announces an “independent” investigation.  The investigation has no subpoena power and it is being headed by former FBI head Robert Mueller, who while he has an impressive resume, is also friends and former law partners with the President of the Ravens.  The other people on the commission are Art Rooney III and John Mara.  Both are NFL Owners for the Steelers and Giants respectively.  Conflict of interest anyone?  There is nothing independent about this.    
7.)   A lot more.

Roger Goodell and the NFL have made so many mistakes throughout the course of this “investigation” and I believe, in the end, it will cost him along with many others their jobs, but should it?  Yes and no.  It will cost him his job but for the wrong reasons.  Welcome to the bigger picture. 


I believe that this gross incompetence or large cover-up will cost Roger Goodell his job.  Eventually the scandal will get large enough that the owners will vote because of optics that Goodell has hurt the league.  He will get fired and we will hire a new commissioner, perhaps Condi Rice, because, you know, she’s so great with cover-ups.  But if this occurs, the NFL will be making a massive mistake.  That’s right, I’m telling you that firing Roger Goodell would be a massive mistake.  Because he is to blame for NFL side of this issue, but his actions will not hurt the game.  When I first thought of optics I was reminded of the “prick” actions of Charlton Heston, he provided some pretty bad optics when he allowed the NRA convention to go on.  But despite the poor optics, the NRA made money.  And despite the outcries for Roger Goodell’s job, the NFL will make money. 

1.    The Dallas Cowboys are the richest team in the NFL.  Their operating income is 245 million dollars, revenue 560 million dollars, and current value over 3.2 Billion dollars.  ----Oh and Tony Romo sucks and they have no defense. 
2.    In 2013 all 32 NFL teams split north of 6 billion dollars in total revenue. 
3.    In 2012, Jimmy Haslam bought the Cleveland Browns for over 1 billion dollars.  Since returning to the league in 1999 the Browns have had 2 winning seasons, played in one total playoff game, and have had the second worst record since 1999. 
4.    Despite their terrible record the Browns netted 276 million dollars in revenue and are valued at just over 1.1 billion dollars. 
5.    Soccer is considered the most popular sport in the world with purportedly around 3.3 billion fans or 46% of the world’s population. 
6.    American Football is the most popular sport in our country with 49% of the country considering themselves fans of the NFL. 
7.    Last night in the NFL, the Baltimore Ravens played a home game with over 71,000 fans screaming their heads off.  71,000 in attendance being the average since 2006.  On CBS, the rating the game got was the highest rating the network has had on Thursday night in eight years.  (Remember the opening round of March Madness is on Thursday and on CBS).

Overall the NFL isn’t going to lose a cent over what has happened in the Ray Rice incident.  If Roger Goodell is fired it would constitute a breach in his contract and he would be owed substantial restitution (he makes over 44 million a year).  The owners could also make a vote a no confidence like they did to chancellor Valorum in “Star Wars I,” but look what that action brought.  Based on the contract that exists, Roger Goodell, no matter how he fucked up this situation should most definitely keep his job because he is fulfilling the number one criteria for commissioner of the NFL: Make the owners money.  Roger Goodell has made the NFL owners more money than any commissioner has ever made for any sport ever.  He should, but I doubt he will, keep his job.  That’s on us. 

FACT PART II:  Grant Freeman style
1.    In two of my four fantasy football drafts, I drafted Ray Rice.  In the most important league I remember thinking upon drafting him, “great, I got him for a steal.”
2.    In a recent conversation between Marcus Luther, Dan Miller, and myself, I was questioned on how I felt about Brett Favre’s number being retired next year by the Packers.  I replied, “It makes me sick.  He was my hero and he became a traitor.”  Luther questioned me on my use of “hero” and “traitor,” I replied, “For kids growing up in the Midwest football is a religion.  I watched every single game Favre ever played in with a Green Bay uniform, he was my hero, and when he retired I was saddened. The Packers had already moved on to Aaron Rodgers when he unretired and after Ted Thompson botched that situation, I respected Favre for playing with the Jets.  When he went to the Vikings it was for revenge, he said it was for revenge, and he became a traitor.” 
3.    My brother Nate called on my birthday.  We talked about the Hobby Lobby court case and I talked about why I thought people who would boycott were ridiculous.  He set me straight and among the many things that we discussed the most important was this.  “In this country we vote with our dollars.”

My brother was right, but I’ll go one step further, we only vote with our dollars.  As proven with the current state of our government, we don’t vote very much with our ballots anymore.  Sure local races are still decided by a few votes, but on the national elections, money rules the day. 

The culture that we live in today makes the issue of domestic abuse in sports unimportant.  Our culture thrives because of two things: Money and power, but for argument sake we can replace the word power with Celebrity.  You can become a celebrity in eight seconds given the right vine video these days.  And celebrities become our heroes.  Brett Favre, Peyton Manning, even Ray Rice.  Kids grow up wanting to be like them.  And yes, I know that this is the way that it has always been with celebrities, with the powerful and the wealthy, because as humans we crave the all important “more” wanting to eventually have the “most”.  But unlike in the past, we now live in an age where I can know almost anything about anyone in the click of a few buttons.  However something has come with this age, which is so stunning, so problematic, that it looks like it will consume us.  Apathy and complacency.  No one gives a shit. 

No one cares that Ray Rice punched his wife as long as he scores three touchdowns in fantasy football.  No one cares when your favorite actor raped someone ten years ago.  No one cares when someone famous accidentally kills someone and gets away with it.  The immediate reaction is of course people care, everyone cares, hence the commotion over the scandal, but no one cares enough to change the way they use their wallets.  Examples:


1.    Currently both Greg Hardy (DE Panthers) and Ray McDonald (DE 49ers) have been arrested on Domestic Assault charges, but both are still practicing and playing.  Hardy actually has already been convicted, but is currently appealing.  Hardy had four tackles and one sack in week one and McDonald three tackles.  Annual salaries:  McDonald: $4 mil / Hardy: $13 mil. 
2.    Donte Stallworth was drinking in 2009 when he drove and hit Mario Reyes and killed him.  He was charged with DUI manslaughter.  He served 24 days.  He was suspended for one season.  Since then he has played for three teams and made millions of dollars.  In my home state of Iowa DUI Manslaughter can get you 25 years in prison. 
3.    Marshawn Lynch has been arrested for a hit and run, felony gun charges, and a DUI.  He has served probation, community service, and paid $150 in fines.  His current contract: 4 yrs/30 mil/17 mil guaranteed.
4.    Ray Lewis, beloved member of the NFL for 16 years, 13 pro bowls, 2 super bowls, probable HoF player.  Charged with murder, felony murder, and aggravated assault.  In a plea deal, testified against other two companions paid $250,000 and went on probation.  Despite a long list of evidence, no one has ever been found guilty of murder and the case has gone unsolved. 
5.    James Brown, Davone Bess, Chad Johnson, Randy Moss, Warren Sapp, Daryl Washington all arrested for domestic assault.
6.    Jason Kidd, Darryl Strawberry, Dwight Gooden, Al Unser Jr, Bobby Cox, Jose Canseco, Manute Bol, Rasheed Wallace, Manny Ramirez, Floyd Mayweather Jr and Dennis Rodman all arrested for domestic assault.
7.    Moving into film:  Charlie Sheen (x2), Mel Gibson, Nicolas Cage, Mickey Rourke, Gary Busey, Tom Sizemore, Christian Slater, James Caan and young Emma Roberts have been charged with domestic assault.
8.    MARVEL FANS:  Thanos: Josh Brolin, Original Iron Man Rhodey: Terrence Howard. STAR WARS FANS:  Lando: Billy Dee Williams all charged with Domestic Assault.
9.    Mike Tyson: Rapist.  2Pac:  Rapist.  Lawrence Taylor:  Rapist.  Roman Polanski:  Escaped Rapist. 
10.Laura Bush while in High School neglected to stop at a stop sign.  She hit another car killing her close friend and classmate.  Never charged.
11.Matthew Broderick while on vacation with Jennifer Grey drove on the wrong side of the street and hit the oncoming vehicle.  Killed a mother and her daughter.  Charged with careless driving and paid $175 then started filming “Glory”. 
12.Ted Kennedy drove car off a bridge, swam free while passenger Mary Jo Kopechne drowned.  Fled scene and waited nine hours to report the incident.  Pleaded guilty to leaving the scene of the incident.
13.And the list continues. 

Movie stars, politicians, sport stars and more.  And yet we continue to go and see their movies, support their causes, and watch their games.  I love Sean Connery as James Bond, seen every film.  He’s also a misogynist who once said, “I don’t think there is anything particularly wrong about hitting a woman…An openhanded slap is justified.”

Is the Ray Rice Incident a big deal?  Damn Straight.  Will heads roll and will people get fired?  Damn Straight.  Will penalties be enforced?  Yes.  Will they fit the crime; will the NFL suffer if they don’t?  No. 

Not everyone is bad.  People deserve "second chances".  People commit crimes all the time and the rest of the time they are upstanding citizens of society.  You just need to know where your money is going, who exactly it is that you are supporting.  

Hobby Lobby has 3.3 billion dollars in sales.  My brother is boycotting Hobby Lobby, will it make a dent?  Probably not, but he is exercising his constitutional right and as an American he votes with his dollar.  It might not be a lot, but he keeps trying.  Until there are substantive changes in the NFL, until domestic abuse is taken seriously, until Roger Goodell is fired and with him the front office of the Ravens and a large portion of the front office of the league, I won’t give them a cent.  I’m still a die-hard Packer fan, still an avid fantasy footballer, and still a couch sitter on Sundays, but I won’t give the league a cent.  I cast my vote with my dollar.  I hope you will as well.   
Know what you support