Monday, December 31, 2012

Lowlights/Highlights of 2012

Lowlights of the year

15.  Cats on Facebook:  In short there are too damn many of them.  I am a cat person and I think cats are adorable little creatures, but everyone posting meme's (And really Meme's should be on this list in their own category) and stupid little quotes with cat faces is really annoying.  Or the pictures of cats playing the piano.  In my day we called that cat torture.
14.  Gangnam Style and other silly songs:  You know I almost missed Poker face and Lady Gaga this year.  Songs like Gangnam Style and Die Young and Call Me Maybe are so DAMN Popular and have no cultural significance whatsoever.  Actually no, they do have cultural significance as a sign of the end times.  Thank god for the emergence of Imagine Dragons and the Lumineers making this year not a complete bust.  

13.  Facebook IPO
:  The movie, The Social Network showed America that Mark Zuckerberg is an absolute genius.  It also showed that he is a total douchebag (some say unfairly), and has a massive ego.  Well his ego shined through for all the world to see when on May 18th of this year he let Facebook go onto the Market with its Initial Public Offering.  Pundits called it a cultural touchstone."  They were wrong.  Currently it is facing litigation for executive violations, it lost a quarter of its value within a month and lost more than half in three months.  A massive Flop.  It was 'unliked' in weeks.
Han Solo doesn't like The Hunger Games
12.  People Who Liked The Hunger Games and/or Prometheus:  Because they are so stupid and poorly made.  I'm sure many of you enjoyed The Hunger Games, but those of you who thought it was actually a good movie are simply wrong.  Let's briefly recap.  A movie about child murder where the main character is proven to be a hunter with a bow, how is she a hunter with a bow you ask?  She shoots ONE bird.  Then in the rankings she gets the best ranking when she misses, hits the bullseye, and hits an apple.  Hey there, sure that apple shot was impressive but she still only managed 66%, a D.  This movie is called the hunger games, WHY is no one actually hungry?  It should have been called the slightly famished games.  Why does the shaking cam give audience members seizures?  Why the hell is Peeta part of the alliance?  Why don't they kill him to begin with, obviously they are grouping the best together and weeding out the rest.  Why keep him alive?  Because he knows where Katniss is, how the hell does he know that?  Everyone has stupid names and I am the first to admit that I love classic literature but calling someone Seneca and Caesar and Cato should have something to do with the actual plot.  The only thing that Wes Bentley as Seneca does that is remotely close to the real Seneca is the Emperor asks him to kill himself.  Caesar isn't Caesar like at all.  Haymitch is better in the book.  Why is there one racist district.  God that movie was awful.
11.  Honey Boo Boo:  Honey Boo Boo is dumbing down America and what they do to that poor child is horrible.  There, spent enough time on the little girl?  Back to the above rant.  This movie is formulated that pure happenstance allows the characters to survive, never in the history of the games has the occurrences that occur here happened.  Um, I call Bullshit.  And back to the racist district, notice that only one district has people of color.  Racist bastards.  Oh and don't let me forget Prometheus.  Anyone who liked this movie is even worse than those who liked the 'sort of hungry games.'  Prometheus is one of the worst movies I have ever seen, period.  Shall we recap.  Run sideways, not straight and it doesn't hit you.  What the hell is Michael Fassbender doing killing people?  What the hell is Michael Fassbender doing throughout the whole movie?  What the hell is Michael Fassbender doing in this movie, he's much too good of an actor to be in this atrocity to film study.  Was this movie a not so subtle abortion message movie, with that crazy abortion machine.  What was the point of the alien freaking out?  What was the point of this whole movie?  Why does it take until the final five seconds to actually look like a prequel to aliens?  Nothing is answered.  What was that black goo?  Why did it look like Ridley Scott's 12 year old son did the makeup.  Why was the old man played by handsome actor Guy Pearce?  What about the issue with oxygen?  They bring along a biologist and then they find an alien body and what does the biologist want to do: run away.  God damn this movie was horrible.
10.  Benghazi: After a rant like the one above I feel very stupid attempting to sound anything more than just plain sorry for the events in Benghazi, the loss of life, and the death of the Ambassador.  I don't fully know what happened, but it is a tragedy either way and I believe the President was trying to divert us from going to war.  Either way, a terrible tragedy.
9.  Donald Trump:  Is the biggest windbag on the planet.  From his failed 'run at the presidency,' to his twitter rants to his constant belief that the President is from another country or an alien, Donald Trump, like Keith Olbermann would say, is the worst person in the world.   
8.  Hurricane Sandy:  Another terrible tragedy, one that I won't make a mess of by trying to write about it humorously.  The only thing I will say is that the Red Cross website for Hurricane Sandy donations is:  Give what you can, if you can.
7.  The Flu:  As I am writing I am on Day 8 of the flu.  I am finally beginning to recover.  Every year there are about 3 to 5 million cases every year of severe illness and around 300 to 500,000 deaths a year.  I got it plus a wonderful bout of Pneumonia to go with it.  If you get the chance to get this, don't.  It was one of the most painful experiences of my life.  I have had the stomach flu before but never this transformed flu/pneumonia virus.  Truly awful.  Get your shots every year.  
6.  Coaching in Football:  Today everyone is getting fired which I find slightly hilarious but that isn't such a low point.  Every year this happens and although there is a much higher turnover this year than in the past, it's still just how it goes.  But as I learned this year, in college football, this is just the game always.  Coaches no longer have any loyalty to a given program.  We say the bowls matter but apparently not to the coaches, just how many interim coaches are coaching bowl games this year.  There is a lack of respect among the coaches in college football, they sign a five year deal, promise everything to the kids, and then bail for greener pastures two years in.  They have always said the game is about the student athletes.  It has never been about the student athletes, it's all about money.  
5.  The Crisis in Syria:  This is another situation that I feel inadequate to talk about in an educated manner.  I don't know who is right, who is wrong, all I know is people are dying daily and something needs to be done.  I wish I knew what that something was.
4.  The Fiscal Cliff:  Or the political battle of the year, or the dumbest political battle of the year (and with the elections that is saying something).  What this should really be titled is:  The tax debate, where Americans realize Congress sucks.  I think both sides are wrong, but no one, and I mean no one other than the President is actually discussing the actual issues.  Congress is throwing a hissy fit and the Senate is sucking their thumbs and it all has to do with three men of supreme stupidity.  Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, and Harry Reid.  
3.  Politics:  I have made numerous blog posts about this so I won't bother you with anything more.  But please, oh please, can we try and do a little governing.  A little governing would be nice.
2.  Concussions:  Both in football stars and in me.  After suffering three concussions that nearly cost me my life in October I fully understand the harm of a concussion and get why football players need to take it easier.  Suffering this way as I have for three months has been the hardest thing I have ever dealt with and will continue to deal with.  I wish that pain on no one, ever.    
1.  Guns:  Trayvon Martin, Aurora, Oak Tree Sikh Temple, Oregon, Newtown, just to name a few.  The issue of guns is now as it has forever been in the American consciousness.  Hopefully now it will be at the front.  I am not anti gun.  I understand the importance of the Second Amendment, but something needs to be done.  No average citizen should be able to own an AK-47, should be able to purchase "cop-killer" bullets, a Sniper rifle.  Diane Sawyer did a special on 20/20 in 2009 called "If I Only Had A Gun," in which Sawyer looked at how much training is needed to actually prepare you for the realism of an in class room shooting.  Many police do not know fully how to react, how can the average citizen.  I'm not saying that giving everyone training fixes the problem, but it is at least a start.  Hand guns and shooting rifles, that's it in my opinion for personal weaponry.  Want to shoot an AK-47, fine.  Go to the range, have them available there.  In 2011 over 31,940 people were killed from gun injuries.  This year is going to be more.  I'm tired of seeing children dying far too young.  Something needs to change.

Lights of the Year

Super PACS:  Why is this just a light and not low or high?  Well while Super PACS represent so many of the financial mistrust in the political elections, the ads ran by Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart's Super PAC was hilarious.  So it is both a good and a bad year for PACS.

Highlights of the Year

15.  That Stupid Commercial:  As I have said so many times this year, that stupid KIA car commercial with dancing hamsters just gets me every time.  I love that commercial.  It's brilliant.  Watch it if you haven't.  Nothing more to say.  
14.  Legalizing Marijuana:  Congratulations to Colorado and Washington for being the highest states in the nation.  Just think if the Seahawks played the Broncos in the Superbowl, we could all have a great great time.  Also we made steps to finally getting rid of this war on drugs.  At least for Marijuana.  As I have said for years, let the government sell it and tax it.  Win win.
13.  SB 1070 is Struck Down:  Thank God.  I worked hard to fight against this bill and when the Supreme Court agreed with the racist and constitutional irregularities the bill was struck down.  A victory.  
12.  Superhero Movies:  And by movies I mean two, not that crap about Spiderman.  The Avengers was just genius.  A great superhero movie.  Fun, funny, sad, dramatic, action, and super.  It was great.  The Dark Knight Rises, while I still contend is not actually a superhero movie, although that flying bat thing made it a bit more superhero than real (or the fact his tires on the cycle switch directions).  I thought TDKR was a brilliant movie and really believe it deserves an Oscar nod, if not fully for the movie, but for the mistake of not nominating The Dark Knight.  
11.  The Apocalypse:  Didn't happen.  Oops.   
10.5.  Butoh:  If you don't know what it is find out.  It has changed my life forever.
10.  Science:  Science was big this year.  The Mars Rover, which had everyone really excited (Not me exactly), but I guess that is a big deal.  Kind of badass landing a small vehicle on another planet.  And the Higgs Boson discovery and the repercussions of finding it.  All in all, great year for Science, you know if you are into that kind of thing.
9.  Rookie Quarterbacks:  Uh, yeah.  Just kind of.  Never in the history of football have we see three rookie QBs lead their teams to the playoffs, and from two of the teams that previously sucked.  The Colts were the worst team in 2011 and now they are the wild card with 11 wins.  Not too shabby.  Oh and RG III is changing the game for the better.  Congratulations to Russell Wilson, Andrew Luck, and RG III.  Here's hoping Peyton gets to play Luck.
8.  I Found British Television:  And I love it.  A lot.  I have known about Mock The Week since one of my best friends mentioned it two years ago, but I had not fully explored it until this year.  Now I watch Mock the Week, Never Mind the Buzzcocks, 8 out of Ten Cats, The Big Fat Quiz of the Year, Countdown, Sherlock, Downton Abbey, Doctor Who, The British X Factor, Black Adder, Extras, & That Mitchell and Webb Look.  I would watch more, but I simply don't have enough time.  They have changed my perspective on American TV and changed a lot of my vocabulary.  If you haven't seen Sherlock, watch it.  Simply Brilliant.  
7.  The Olympics:  Brought us together as they so often do.  Phelps setting the record, Gabby Douglas and the American Gymnastics squad, Missy Franklin and Katie Ledecky.  Watching the British do well on their home soil.  Watching the Americans do better.  Insane Usain Bolt.  And of course Oscar Pistorius, Blade Runner, the runner with no legs.  It was a truly inspirational two weeks.  Brought to you 12 hours after it actually happened...
Julius Caesar
6.  Julius Caesar:  The theatrical highlight of my year.  Directing a post-apocalyptic Julius Caesar that was eight years in production.  The theatrical highlight of my life.  I worked with a cast and crew of amazing women and men of all ages and met some of the best young actors that I have ever seen.  To Bill, Braden, Amy and Duane.  To Paul, Brandon, John, and Jake.  To Lynaea, Jessie, Leeann, and Gretchen.  To Connett and Noel.  And to Stephen.  Thank you so very very much.
5.  Acting in Movies:  Acting is back baby.  For a while I was worried, but that worry has gone out the window.  For the men you have, Denzel in Flight, Phoenix and Hoffman in The Master, Hugh Jackman in Les Miserables, Tom Hanks and Jim Sturgess in Cloud Atlas, Bale and Hardy in TDKR, Joseph Gordon-Levitt in everything, Waltz and Foxx in Django Unchained, The Cast of Moonrise Kingdom, Cooper in Silver Linings Playbook, Affleck in Argo, Hawkes in The Sessions, and many many more (Haven't seen Life of Pi or Zero Dark Thirty)  The highlights in acting and why I thought it was back came in Lincoln, Daniel Day-Lewis and Tommy Lee Jones give two of the greatest acting performances I have ever seen.  Simply masterful.  For the Women you have:  Helen Hunt in The Sessions, Field in Lincoln, The amazing Quvenzhane Wallis from Beast of the Southern Wild, Amy Adams in The Master, Maggie Smith in The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, Emmanuelle Riva in Amour, Watts in The Impossible, Lawrence in Silver Linings Playbook, and I hear Zero Dark Thirty with Jessica Chastain is great.  Plus many many more (Weisz, Cotillard, Mirren, Dench, Streep)  But the standout performance for women this year is hands down Anne Hathaway in Les Miserables, one song has redefined her career.
Oscar Winner

4.  Movies that inspire:  There were so many movies this year that I found to be incredibly inspiring.  A top ten list in no particular order would be:  Brooklyn Castle, Perks of Being a Wallflower, Cloud Atlas, Premium Rush, Beasts of the Southern Wild, Lincoln, Les Miserables, TDKR, Moonrise Kingdom, and even Here Comes the Boom.  Two of these films, Here Comes the Boom and Premium Rush aren't even great movies, but as an incoming teacher I liked Here Comes the Boom and something about Michael Shannon and Joseph Gordon-Levitt just gets me excited.  Perks of Being a Wallflower would be number one.  It helped to get me through a very difficult time.  
3.  Gay Marriage:  For the Win and about damn time.  This year we welcomed Maine, Maryland, and Washington and helped Minnesota along the way.  This year for the first time in our nations history a sitting president on May 9th publicly declared his support for the legalization of same-sex marriage.  From the songs like Macklemore's Same Love to the votes across the country.  From the President to a friend, Shane Bitney Crone and the work he is doing with It Could Happen to You.  The world is a better, brighter place because of the work they have done this year.  So very proud to be an Iowan.  
2.  Electing a President:  The Election ended and someone actually won.  And it was a very good choice in Barack Obama.  Immediately he has set to work with a new vigor that I have wanted to see from him since his first inauguration.  Despite the nay-sayers (putting that term lightly) Obama won the election with ease, riding on the coat tails of more than 47% of the country.  Congratulations to President Barack Obama.
1.  Graduate School:  Well of course this is the highlight of the year.  In the spring I was lucky enough to be a finalist at Sarah Lawrence, Towson, Michigan at Flint, and VCU.  Although I was wait listed at Sarah Lawrence, my dream school I chose the capital of the Confederacy, changed my dreams, and went to VCU.  Despite the trials and tribulations that I have faced, mostly through illness and concussions it is still and possibly forever will be the smartest decision I have ever made.  VCU is the right education for me and although I have been sick, and ill, and not in the right mindset, I am at home in Richmond and VCU is in my heart.  Go Rams.

Happy New Year. 

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